Herman Miller Eames Molded Plastic Armchair Wire Base

Charles and Ray Eames spent their entire careers exploring the chair as a single-shell form, yielding numerous expressions—beginning in 1950 with the Molded Fiberglass Chair. Most recently, the Molded Plastic Chair evolved to include 100 percent recycled plastic. Atop a 4-leg bar or counter-height base, the durable shell chairs make spaces more inviting and stylish. Beyond the growing selection of plastic shell colors, Eames Molded Plastic Stools are also available fully upholstered or with a seat pad for enhanced comfort.
“The role of the designer is that of a very good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests,” Charles Eames said. With the molded plastic, fiberglass, and wood shell chairs—as well as the wire chair—the Eameses have created a universal response to what everyone wants from a chair: a simple, gracious form that fits any body and every place.
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